Cookie Consent

At we use our own and third-party cookies that allow us to analyze their use and measurement to improve our services and facilitate your browsing. By clicking “Allow all” you accept the storage of cookies on your device, the analysis of web usage and aid in our marketing efforts. For more information visit our Cookie Policy.

Basic information about our data protection policy

1. Who are we?

We are EL MEU NEBOT, S.L., and we treat your personal data as Data Controller. This means that we take charge of how we use and protect your data. Our address is at C/. Martinez Cubells 4-1, 46002 Valencia with NIF: B98818099.

2. What do we use your data for?

We will use your data (provided online or through other means), among other purposes, to manage your requests, suggestions, requests or inquiries.

3. Why do we use them?

We are entitled to process your data because we have legitimate interest in answering your questions and satisfying your questions and suggestions.

4. Your rights

You have right to access, rectify or delete your personal data. In some cases, you also have other rights, for example, to object to us using your data or to carrying it, as we explain in detail below.

We invite you to read our Privacy Policy complete below to understand in detail the use we will make of your personal data and the rights you have in relation to them.

Privacy Policy

The owner of the Website is EL MEU NEBOT, S.L., as well as the person responsible for the processing of personal data provided by its users.

The processing of personal data carried out through this Website complies with the provisions of Regulation (EU) 2016/679, General Data Protection, in Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and with appropriate technical and organizational security measures to ensure a level of security appropriate to the risk of the treatment.

1. Information on data protection

If the user decides to request information on our Website, the data strictly necessary to achieve the purpose for which our Website is intended, which is the information and promotion of our services, all of which are available on our Website, will be requested. Under no circumstances will they be used for purposes other than those for which they have been voluntarily entered on the Web.

The personal data that the user provides us will be processed, having been informed of the purposes of the processing and other information before clicking on the “SEND” button.

Those who voluntarily provide their data to the owner of the Website by any of the means established for this purpose at any given time, have had the following aspects available to them in a transparent and clear manner, having clicked on the corresponding box:

1.1 The RESPONSIBLE for the treatment is EL MEU NEBOT, S.L., address at C/. Martínez Cubells 4-1, 46002 Valencia and NIF: B98818099.

1.2 The PURPOSES of the treatment are the following:

  • The management of the request, request or consultation, and the maintenance of relationships between the Web and its users.
  • Unequivocal authorization that the data provided may be used to send you, by any means of communication, including electronic communication, commercial communications, with information of interest, and reminder communications, provided that you have checked the corresponding box or have unequivocally expressed your authorization by any means.
  • Information for the use of cookies for specific and specific purposes informed at all times in the cookie policy.

1.3 The LEGAL BASIS for the treatment it is based on the established relationship, on compliance with legal obligations and on your unequivocal consent, if it has been given. We inform you that you can revoke your consent at any time, through an easy and simple means. In the case of contact persons of a legal entity, the legal basis for the processing is the legitimate interest of this entity in maintaining relations with that legal entity.

1.4 We inform you that the STORAGE PERIOD of your data will be that of the term of the contract and after its termination, if determined by law, while the conservation obligation persists and, where appropriate, for the period of limitation of the corresponding actions. WE WILL KEEP your data in the event that the legal basis is consent as long as you do not revoke your authorization, and once revoked, it will be fixed according to the criteria of exhausting the statute of limitations for actions.

1.5 RECIPIENTS: recipients of your data are not expected, unless required by law.

1.6 We guarantee your RIGHTS to access, rectify or delete your data, as well as your right to limitation or portability, based on the remaining information provided in this Privacy Policy.

2. Information about users

We do record your IP (Internet Protocol) data assigned to the subscriber who owns the telephone line at the time of connecting to this website, for the purpose of security and collaboration with Justice. The data will be kept by the service provider for as long as established by current legislation.

3. Rights of Access, Rectification, Opposition, Deletion, Limitation, not to be subject to automated decisions and Portability

At any time, the user has the right to access their information, to rectify it if their data is erroneous, to object to any type of treatment associated with the maintenance of the contractual relationship, to revoke the consent granted, to request the limitation or suppression of their treatment, not to be subject to automated decisions, and to unsubscribe from the services of EL MEU NEBOT, S.L.

These rights can be made effective after accreditation of the personality in the forms and within the time limits established in the General Data Protection Regulation, by writing to the postal address listed in the Legal Notice of the Web.

The processing of personal data and the sending of communications by electronic means, if any, are in accordance with the regulations established in the General Data Protection Regulation, Organic Law 3/2018, of December 5, on the Protection of Personal Data and in Law 34/2002, of July 11, on Information Society Services and Electronic Commerce.

4. Remaining information on data protection.

The following information is extended information on data protection, available at any time:


Information on data protection. El responsible for the treatment es: EL MEU NEBOT, S.L. Personal data will be processed for the finality for CUSTOMER MANAGEMENT, MAINTENANCE AND COLLECTIONS.

The established criteria for conservation of your data is the statute of limitations for actions.

La legal basis of the treatment is the contract concluded, the fulfillment of a legal obligation and the consent, where appropriate, revocable at any time.

Los recipients of your data is the tax administration and banking institutions, if any.

You have at your disposal the exercise of rights of access, including the right to obtain a copy of the personal data subject to processing, rectification, opposition, deletion or deletion, if applicable, portability and limitation of processing, by writing to the data controller at the following address: C/. Martínez Cubells 4-1, 46002 Valencia, Tel: 675989380, Email: You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority.


Information on data protection. El responsible for the treatment es: EL MEU NEBOT, S.L. Personal data will be processed for the finality of supplier and payment management. The established criteria for conservation of your data is the statute of limitations for actions.

La legal basis of the treatment is the contract concluded and the fulfillment of a legal obligation.

Los recipients of your data are the tax administration and banking institutions, if any.

You have at your disposal the exercise of rights of access, including the right to obtain a copy of the personal data subject to processing, rectification, opposition, deletion or deletion, if applicable, portability and limitation of processing, by writing to the data controller at the following address: C/. Martínez Cubells 4-1, 46002 Valencia, Tel: 675989380, Email: You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority.

Social networks

Information on data protection. The data in your profile and all those provided by you become part of a data processing and will be considered a person interested in our company. You should know and when you become a friend or follower of the company profile or account that the data you have open may be processed by us for the purpose of information about it or about services it can provide. Your data may also be consulted by other members who have become friends or have joined this company, and you are the one who can decide your degree of privacy on the social network. El responsible for the treatment ex: EL MEU NEBOT, S.L.. The legal basis is consent, which you assume once you have decided to become part of the account, consent that you can revoke at any time. You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority. Your data will not be kept once you have decided not to be part of this entity's network, account or profile. If you wish to exercise your rights of access, including the right to obtain a copy of the personal data subject to processing, rectification, opposition, deletion or deletion, if applicable, portability and limitation of processing, please write to C/. Martínez Cubells 4-1, 46002 Valencia, Tel: 675989380, E-mail:, you have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority.”

Information for volunteers for user testing

Information on data protection. El responsible for the treatment es: EL MEU NEBOT, S.L. Personal data will be processed for the finality for OBTAINING AND MANAGING VOLUNTEERS FOR USER TESTS REQUESTED BY THE CUSTOMER.

The established criteria for conservation of your data is the statute of limitations for actions.

La legal basis The purpose of treatment is consent, which can be revoked at any time.

The categories of recipients of your data are the customers of EL MEU NEBOT, S.L. who have requested the test or analysis.

You have at your disposal the exercise of rights of access, including the right to obtain a copy of the personal data subject to processing, rectification, opposition, deletion or deletion, if applicable, portability and limitation of processing, by writing to the data controller at the following address: C/. Martínez Cubells 4-1, 46002 Valencia, Tel: 675989380, Email: You have the right to file a complaint with the supervisory authority.